EA in the Mix
EA in the Mix ist eine Serie von Mixen welche im Zeitraum von 2008 - 2014 von den Usern des Forums aus selbst produziertem Material zusammengestellt und dann von einem der User je live als DJ Set abgemischt wurden.
Mix 1 - Juni 2008 (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 2 - August 2008 - Der Nacktmull am Nordseestrand Mix (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 3 - Stoned Frogs exploding in Space (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 4 - wradanzschnotzgebrgrle!!!1 (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 5 - Kabelsalat (There We Have The Salad!) (Mixed by Gregor, mastering by Fetz)
Mix 6 - Brunftknörre vs. Pumphammel (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 7 - Das haptische Manifest (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 8 - the |r|age of the mole=rat (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 9 - Kabelpeitsche 2.0 (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 10 - I want (my) feed back! (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 1 - Juni 2008 (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 2 - August 2008 - Der Nacktmull am Nordseestrand Mix (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 3 - Stoned Frogs exploding in Space (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 4 - wradanzschnotzgebrgrle!!!1 (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 5 - Kabelsalat (There We Have The Salad!) (Mixed by Gregor, mastering by Fetz)
Mix 6 - Brunftknörre vs. Pumphammel (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 7 - Das haptische Manifest (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 8 - the |r|age of the mole=rat (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 9 - Kabelpeitsche 2.0 (Mixed by Audiohead)
Mix 10 - I want (my) feed back! (Mixed by Audiohead)